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Cafes for remote working in CDMX
I've been working remotely for nearly a decade and I've got ~thoughts~ about what makes a cafe good for coworking. Here are my favorites in Mexico City!

Learn Zapier in 60 Minutes
If you've been wanting to give Zapier a try but don't know where to start, this is the resource for you!

Kigali, Rwanda
Rwanda is unlike any other country I've been too, and I loved my month in Kigali. Here's everything you need to know to make your own trip!

Amman, Jordan
Amman is not exactly a remote work hotspot, which makes it hard to get settled. Here are all my pro tips!

Isla Mujeres, Mexico
I spent Christmas in Isla Mujeres and it was a lot cuter than expected.

Build a simple Applicant Tracking System with #nocode tools
It's surprisingly easy to build your own no-code ATS to save on expensive SaSS tools.

A Remote Worker's Guide to CDMX
I've compiled all my recommendations and pro tips for CDMX into the guide I wish I had when I moved here. I'm calling it A Remote Worker’s Guide to Mexico City. 🇲🇽

Save time by replacing your invoices with Stripe's new payment links
Stripe's recently released a feature that allows you to quickly create a checkout process without coding anything. I'm really excited about them for service businesses who still send manual invoices.

How to find out which job boards are most effective for your team
Unique tracking links allow you to see which sources your applicants are coming from.