Our industry is powered by people, and that’s what I love to speak about.
I’m a professional speaker with a track record of delivering successful talks and workshops both in person and online. I pride myself on well-researched and thoughtful presentations that move our industry forward.
You can see examples of past talks below. If any of these topics (or those written on my blog) sound like a fit for your upcoming event, please reach out.
I’d love to team up!
“This is my second webinar with [Caro] and I must say they have both been amazing! 😊 I love [her] presentation style and actionable tips. Can’t wait for the next one! ✨” — Maria Alexandra, Event Attendee
Speaking Experience
A few of my favorite virtual and in-person speaking gigs!
Virtual Speaking Gigs | IRL Speaking Gigs |
Doing More With Less ZapConnect, 2022 |
Building A Strong Team & Retaining It Founder Summit, Asheville 2022 |
Systems & Processes: SaaS vs. No-Code Operations Nation, 2022 |
Doing Remote Work Right Founder Summit, Mexico City 2021 |
Career Paths for Operators Global Operators Summit, 2022 |
Growing the Team You've Got Human.School, 2018 |
Onboarding Remote Teams Lesbians Who Tech Summit, 2020 |
Now Hiring: Inclusive JDs Ela Conf, 2017 |
How to Get Experience in Tech Women in Tech Career Summit, 2018 |
You've Got This: Excelling as a New Manager Bullish Conference, 2017 |
Signature Talks
Going Remote is a set of signature talks about building remote teams — geared towards founders, hiring managers, and people ops professionals.
As companies go remote, our processes have to move online too. Setting up a Zoom call and doing what we’ve always done is a missed opportunity. Embracing a remote-first philosophy will take us so much further!
I've been leading remote teams for over a decade. These talks are the accumulation of everything I’ve learned in the process!
Hiring Remote Teams
As your company is forced online, your hiring process has to go remote too! Especially if you want to build a diverse, inclusive team where everyone can be successful.
I’ll teach you how to:
- Keep what works from your in-person process and toss what doesn’t
- Draft inclusive job descriptions that attract top talent
- Create a consistent hiring process that reduces your workload and diversifies your pipeline
- Make a positive first impression with applicants
- Build a positive employer brand
Onboarding Remote Teams
Your onboarding process is a first impression of sorts. Your new hire has gotten to know you and your company, but they still need to learn how to work there - how your team communicates, what you value, and what their new day-to-day is going to look like.
Starting a new job is hard enough without wondering exactly how the whole remote thing is going to work! It’s time to stop stumbling through awkward Zoom calls and create a repeatable, remote-first onboarding process.
I’ll teach you how to:
- Create a process that’s reassuring and supportive of new hires
- Take your current onboarding process online & optimize it
- Start small with a MVP, gather feedback, and iterate over time
- Make your onboarding process reflect your company values
Managing Remote Teams
Good people management often looks a little different on remote teams. Many ad hoc tactics don’t work on a remote team, where you can’t look over your shoulder to see if your employee is at their desk, and more work is done asynchronously.
Managing remote teams requires you to be more intentional about setting expectations, clearly communicating, and fostering a positive, productive culture.
I’ll teach you how to:
- Build a positive culture on a remote team
- Establish expectations around healthy communication
- Give and receive feedback remotely and asynchronously
- Mentor & coach your team remotely
Other Talks
You’ve Got This: Excelling as a New Manager
Taking on a management role is often considered the natural next step for top performers, or a sign that your own business is successful. It’s the culmination of all of our hard work! But managing a team often requires a new skill set and learning on the job can be intimidating when you’re trying to look legit in front of a new team.
This talk is made up of all the things I wish I had known when I took on my first management role, as well as specific strategies to set new managers up for success.
Now Hiring: Better Job Descriptions
Building a productive team and an inclusive culture starts with hiring the right people for the right roles. Unfortunately, the standard hiring process is built on the premise that everyone reads job descriptions the same way and that putting up barriers for applicants at the beginning is the fastest way to narrow down your pool of applicants. But there’s a better way! One that starts with making sure you’re hiring for the right role in the first place.
In this talk, we learn how to craft the roles that makes the most sense for a team, and draft inclusive job descriptions that invite diverse applicants to apply.